BiofOmics API


id Experiment Id Only necessary for action getExperiment
Login Necessary to see experiments been waiting or refused. You need use http basic access authentication
action Operation to be performed Possible values:
getExperiment If you want to get a specific experiment (It should send an id). If you want to be denied or waiting experiments will be necessary to loggin
listExperiments Allows to obtain the list of all accepted experiments BiofOmics
listConditions Allows to obtain a list of all the conditions that exist in BiofOmics
listMethods Allows to obtain the list of all methods that exist in BiofOmics
listConstantValues Allows to obtain a list of all the constant values ​​of condition that exist in BiofOmics
saveExperiment Save a BiofOmics experiment (only allowed if you login)

Example of request

              "note":"No description needed.",
              "file":(base 64 zip, only allow xml,xsl,txt)

Response format (where the request is incorrect):

Invalid Indicates the incorrect parameter when saved
invalidFields Indicates the incorrect fields when saved
Information Additional information for debug
Id id of the saved experiment
0 Need post method
1 Invalid Json
2 Experiment doesn't save (Not delete last data)
3 Experiment Saved
4 Experiment not found
5 Experiment save error (invalid experiment or fields)
6 Relative data experiment save error
7 Need experiment Id
10 Need Login
11 server Ok

Example Response


Example<\/p>\n", "file":"http:\/\/www.biofomics\/api?id=8&action=downloadExperiment" }, "User":{ "username":"user", "surname":"user", "email":"user@example", "organization":"Institute for example- University of examples", "phone":"0", "id":"1" }, "Publication":[ { "url":"http:\/\/\/pubmed\/21479268", "experiment_id":"8" } ], "Conditions":[ { "string_value":null, "numerical_value":"37", "units":"\u00bac", "condition_id":"10", "experiment_id":"8" }, { "string_value":null, "numerical_value":"120", "units":"rpm", "condition_id":"3", "experiment_id":"8" }, { "string_value":"tryptic soy broth", "numerical_value":null, "units":"NULL", "condition_id":"4", "experiment_id":"8" }, { "string_value":"96-well microtiter plate ", "numerical_value":null, "units":"NULL", "condition_id":"8", "experiment_id":"8" } ], "Methods":[ { "string_value":"2,4,6,24,48", "numerical_value":null, "units":"h", "condition_id":"7", "method_id":"6", "experiment_id":"8" }, { "string_value":"copper,glass,polyethylene,polypropylene,polyvinyl chloride,silicone rubber,stainless steel", "numerical_value":null, "units":"NULL", "condition_id":"5", "method_id":"1", "experiment_id":"8" }, { "string_value":"copper,glass,polyethylene,polypropylene,polyvinyl chloride,silicone rubber,stainless steel", "numerical_value":null, "units":"NULL", "condition_id":"5", "method_id":"2", "experiment_id":"8" }, { "string_value":"copper,glass,polyethylene,polypropylene,polyvinyl chloride,silicone rubber,stainless steel", "numerical_value":null, "units":"NULL", "condition_id":"5", "method_id":"3", "experiment_id":"8" }, { "string_value":"copper,glass,polyethylene,polypropylene,polyvinyl chloride,silicone rubber,stainless steel", "numerical_value":null, "units":"NULL", "condition_id":"5", "method_id":"6", "experiment_id":"8" }, { "string_value":"Escherichia coli,Listeria monocytogenes,Salmonella enterica", "numerical_value":null, "units":"NULL", "condition_id":"6", "method_id":"1", "experiment_id":"8" }, { "string_value":"Escherichia coli,Listeria monocytogenes,Salmonella enterica", "numerical_value":null, "units":"NULL", "condition_id":"6", "method_id":"2", "experiment_id":"8" }, { "string_value":"Escherichia coli,Listeria monocytogenes,Salmonella enterica", "numerical_value":null, "units":"NULL", "condition_id":"6", "method_id":"3", "experiment_id":"8" }, { "string_value":"Escherichia coli,Listeria monocytogenes,Salmonella enterica", "numerical_value":null, "units":"NULL", "condition_id":"6", "method_id":"6", "experiment_id":"8" } ], "listConditions":{ "3":"shear force", "4":"medium", "8":"device", "10":"temperature" }, "listMethods":{ "1":"4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining", "2":"colony-forming unit", "3":"cristal violet assay", "6":"fluorescence in situ hybridization" } }


  1. Be courteous and polite to use the API. If you're going to make thousands and thousands of connections, tell us. Otherwise, it is more than likely that we cut you access.
  2. If you really are using our API, we would like to know.